May 7, 2016 Astronomy Night
Despite weather reports telling us it would be very clear viewing during the time of the event it was not quite clear. During check in time we had a beautiful view of a thin crescent moon, an owl and we heard frogs and crickets.
Those who attended were able to view the planets Jupiter and Mars; M13 the Hercules cluster; Betelgeuse; Sirius (briefly) and Canis Major; Procyon and Canis Minor; Corvus the Crow; The North Star; Arcturus and Bootes; Spica and Virgo; Regulus and Leo and a few other things as the clouds opened up for viewing. We had hoped also to see Saturn, but the clouds became too heavy by the time it would have risen.
At one point everyone was surprised by the number of coyotes howling on both sides of the amphitheater. It was very exciting!
Thank you to our volunteer astronomers: Mike, Gary, James and Spencer