California State Parks – Kids in Parks
Get outdoors with these Neighborhood Adventuring Activities from California State Parks! Spark their love and care for the natural world as they make a nature journal or become a junior ranger.
BEETLES (Better Environmental Education, Teaching, Learning & Expertise Sharing) Outdoor Science
Get outside and connect to the natural world with fun outdoor lessons used by field naturalists like us!
Nature Activities and Nature Experiments
Keep connecting to nature daily by using these simple, fun, hands-on nature activities and experiments for families. m/activity/nature-activities/
Project Learning Tree – Sample Lessons
Project Learning Tree is used by outdoor educators like us! Try these outdoor science lessons focused on trees and forests to teach your child an understanding and appreciation for the environment.
National Wildlife Federation – Ranger Rick
Ranger Rick brings animal learning to life with videos, jokes and a magazine subscription that will make your child love reading!
World Wildlife Federation
Kids can explore and understand the world around them through these real life videos of scientists around the world protecting and conserving precious wildlife and their habitats!
National Geographic Kids
National Geographic is known for its vibrant photography from around the world. Let your kids become explorers as they navigate through this site’s lessons, videos, games and more!
Online Water Education Resources: Project WET (Water Education for Teachers)
Water education is always relevant here in Southern California. With the annual Children’s Water Festival and SMWD’s Water Festival postponed, use these resources to teach your child about the importance of water!